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[Xmas] 準備好各種相機去迎接 Party|Gift for your Party


Get ready your camera and capture the most important moment playing with friends and family, upload it to internet and print the happiest memories out.

準備好各種相機去迎接 Party

“Shooting” for your Party

又到一年一度嘅聖誕節,一到聖誕節,最令人期待當然係同家人朋友開 party 同拆禮物呢個快樂時刻,Life 特別為你精心挑選【攝影與打印系列】,留住最美好嘅一刻:

We wish you a Merry Christmas ~ We wish you a happy moment with friends and family during the long weekend of Xmas time ~ to retain the memorable moment in this Xmas ~ Life by Original presents you【Shoot & Print Series】:

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Insta 360 One 4K 360度全景相機

Insta360 ONE 可以輕鬆拍出 4K 質素的全景影片 (以 30ftps 幀率拍攝 3,840x1,920) 以及 24MP 的360度全景相片,ONE 還具備六軸電子防震功能。除左拍攝質素外,ONE 仲有其他好玩功能,包括「子彈時間」效果 - 即係宜家好興睇落好鬼型咁樣,條片所有野定格咗,影片鏡頭圍住自己轉的效果,最“正”係,當拍攝影片做甩動繩子或自拍棍動作,片內將看不到繩子或自拍神棍的痕跡,拍攝者睇落似舉起手一樣。

The ONE shoots video 3,840x1,920 at 30 fps (4K quality) and takes 24-megapixel photo with six-axis image stabilization. Beside the high quality shooting features, one of the main selling points of the ONE is the aforementioned bullet time mode - the epic shots of watching as you move through the centre of a scene. What is more amazing is that the optional selfie stick by Insta360 will ‘disappear’ in your videos so it looks like you have a floating camera!


Casio TR mini TR-M11 「美顏」自拍神器

以粉盒外型設計,一打開便是超過一千萬像素的相機,周圍有八盞 LED 燈加一盞補光燈,加上內置十一種不同的補光、潤飾、美肌,消除黑眼圈及遮瑕等效果,令每一張拍攝出來的自拍照都同樣驚艷奪目。

Casio TR-M11 selfie camera has over 10 megapixels, 8 surrounding LED lights, and 11 different ‘make-up functions’ including removing dark circles naturally that enhance and refine the saturation and tone of your skin and the photos.

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MiPow SelfieTIK 迷你自拍器

MiPow SelfieTIK 完全不像一個自拍器。它的100% 伸縮設計加上藍牙4.0技術,能夠方便放進你的手袋或隨身攜帶,並可以在手持50厘米或無線20米範圍內自拍。它同時能夠發出防盜聲響,放在手袋內便可以避免手袋被竊。

MiPow SelfieTIK is 100% retractable and is elegant to be put into your handbag and to carry around with. It connects to your phone via Bluetooth 4.0 and has a handheld and remote range of 50cm and 2m, respectively. It also helps you to find your handbag with its smart alert.


Canon CP1300 相片打印機

最多可從 8 部智能裝置同時連線打印有趣拼圖 ,並在一張相紙上列印出來,隨機拼圖每次不同,每次打印都帶來新驚喜,日後可以與爸爸媽媽,親友齊齊 Jam 相,令相片更添玩味之餘,亦可將歡樂回憶以另一特別形式保留。CP1300 除了輕巧便攜外,亦可另外配備外置電池,方便一家人帶出外,如在生日會或慶祝會上使用,Jam 相更樂趣。

Print fun random collages with family and friends from multiple devices (max. 8 devices) with Party Shuffle Print in one photo layout. The sleek, portable design lets you bring the Selphy CP1300 with you - and with the optional battery back you can print and share your memories wherever you are out in party.