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聖誕禮物提案|Xmas Gift Ideas

Life 聖誕禮物提案

Xmas Gift Ideas

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又到聖誕,最令人期待當然係同家人、朋友開 party 同拆禮物呢個快樂時刻,Life 特別為你精心挑選幾項貼心禮物:

It’s Christmas time - a long-waited festival for party and gifting. Life presents you some gifting ideas:

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Dyson Supersonic™ 風筒 - 女士恩物

Dyson Supersonic™ 風筒出名靜音、低溫快速乾髮又保護頭髮健康,是每位女士都很想要的恩物,送比「她」最適合不過。

Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer is famous with its quiet, efficient and smooth hair features - one of the most wanted gift to every woman.

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BACtrack C8 酒精測試器 - 飲多兩杯沒有怕

開 Party 點都會飲番兩杯,BACtrack C8 能夠專業而準確地檢測出你血液中的酒精成份(BAC),送比「他」幫自己「吹波仔」最適合。

BACtrack C8 professionally and accurately tracks your BAC, and tells you when you will be sober again by estimating the time it takes for your BAC to return to 0%, thanks to its ZeroLine® technology and smartphone app.

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UBTECH JIMU ScoreBot 足球機械人 - 打造專屬的足球員

UBTECH JIMU ScoreBot 是一位曼城足球員,可按內建範本或憑想像力組合,更可透過 app 編程,打造自己的足球選手跟朋友對戰。

Officially approved by Manchester City Football Club, JIMU ScoreBot is an interactive robot that allows young players to learn basic programming through exciting football games. Code-sharing with parents and friends makes the games even more fun.

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智能照明系列 - 為平凡的屋企帶來千百萬種顏色

Nanoleaf 由色彩斑斕的模板組成,可變換成不同的顏色組合,使你家居充滿創意色彩 ;而 Koogeek LS1 Light Strip 燈條有超過一千六百萬種顏色變化,兩款燈具可以組合成不同的形狀,裝飾你的家居。

Nanoleaf consists of multiple Light Panels that can produce thousands of colours to decorate your living space whereas LS1 LED Light Strip offers 16 million colours to decorate and illuminate every corner of your home.